Monday, 2 December 2013

To my unborn child,

I do not know your name yet and quite frankly I do not know if you'll ever be born. But just know that you are welcome wherever you are and whenever (if ever) you will come here. My darling, I have so much to tell you and I'm sure that there will be plenty of times when we'll argue, when I'll give you advice and you refuse to listen. I just hope that if I give you this advice now, you will listen now. If only this one time.

Wherever you may be, you probably see that the world is a fucked up place. Excuse my language there. The world is filled with darkness. With bad people who are filled with greed. Everyone is replaceable. We're just numbers in the system.
Yes, in this world it appears that you're not allowed to be who you really are. In some places you are not allowed to fall in love with whoever you fall in love with. If your love is of the same gender, you could get insulted, beaten up or even killed. We live in a world which allows those hungry for power take more and give less. We allow dictators to do what they want to do, because we're afraid of the consequences for our own prosperity when we defy them.

We live in a world in which we preach acceptance but mostly can't even bother with tolerance. We have developed tunnel vision and hold on to our own truth. But truth doesn't exist. There is no truth in spoken word, nor is there in written word.
There are bad people out there. People who will want to hurt you. Bring you down with the things they say. Don't pay attention to those people. They only have their insecurities and thus feel it is necessary to hurt you. Jealousy is a nasty companion.

It may seem like the world is an awful place. But it isn't. For every bit of darkness, there is a little bit of light. Be that light when you come here. Inspire others the way others inspire you. The only true advice I can give you is to look around you and cherish the little things. No matter what happens, stay strong and keep on fighting. Don't worry about things going wrong. That's part of life. We live and learn. Just try the hardest you can to be a good person and create the world you would like to live in. Shadows won't ever overtake the light of the sun.

Most of all, my dear, I hope that you know that you're loved already, unconditionally.

Until we meet...

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